"Actresses. I mean, sorry for touching you"

The performance is part of the Postnational Interphonic Theatre's anti-bullying campaign, One Less (or More) Elephant in the Room

"Actresses. I mean, sorry for touching you", directed by Mihai Păcurar, exposes through means specific to the performing arts the physical and emotional abuse present within artistic institutions and collectives.
The performance illustrates the hierarchical system in the theatrical environment, in which the decision-makers involved, exercising their pyramidal power, tacitly or overtly accept abusive situations in the work processes.

The show "Actresses. I mean, sorry for touching you" is realized in the form of a digital audiovisual installation, in which 5 characters - actors are brought to life with the help of technology.

The text is written by Michał Telega and was created following interviews with five students from the Faculty of Acting at the Academy of Theatre Arts in Krakow, on the topic of crossing boundaries and exploitation (abuse) in the process of artistic work.

It was recently published in the book "Revolutions. Anthology of Contemporary Polish Theatre" by ART Publishing House.

Michał Telega (b. 1996) is a theatre director and a 2021 graduate of the Stanisław Wyspiański Academy of Theatre Arts in Kraków.

Director's testimonial:
"My proposal related to this issue and in particular to this text has to do with the idea of identity.Individual identity. When, in human relations of any kind, the satisfaction of one's own needs takes precedence, when prejudice and manipulation become weapons, self-identity is the first victim. This show is a manifesto against the cancellation of identity."

The show will have 3 performances per day, on October 4th and 5th 2023 in Timisoara on the occasion of "Timisoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture".

4.10.2023, from 18:00/ 19:00/ 20:00
5.10.2023, from 18:00/ 19:00/ 20:00

Performance time: 40 minutes.

Co-produced with the Polish Institute in Bucharest and with the support of Goethe-Institut Bucharest and Kinema Ikon.

Free admission is by registration at: [email protected]

The Team:
directed by: Mihai Păcurar
translation: Marina Palii
Text: Michael Telega
with: Mădălina Mușat, Paula Dunker, Oana Hodade, Oana Pușcatu, Carmen Ghiurco, Kinga Ötvös
sound design: Vlaicu Golcea
technical supervisor: Alexandru Andrei
producer: Laura Trocan

*The show is recommended for people over 16.

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the European Echoes Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

HEI - House of European Institutes 2023

HEI - House of European Institutes 2023