"All Different, All Equal!"

The transgenerational meeting "All Different, All Equal" aims to address the importance of inclusion and the appreciation of diversity in our society. Moderated by Cristina Săracu, the president of the association IncluziunePeBune, this meeting provides a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences between women from different generations. The goal is to create an inclusive environment and inspire participants to actively contribute to building a fair and diverse society.

What to expect?

  • Event Moderator: Cristina Săracu, with vast experience in promoting inclusion and diversity, will guide the discussions and offer valuable insights into the importance of these values in the community.

  • Panel Discussion: Women from various generations will share personal experiences and practical solutions for integrating diversity into daily life. We will also discuss ways to recognize and combat discrimination.

  • Q&A Session: Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive relevant and useful answers for promoting inclusion in their communities.

  • Collective Artistic Activity: At the end of the meeting, all participants will collaborate to create a common artwork that reflects the diversity and solidarity discussed during the event.

Why participate?

  • Support and Solidarity: Share experiences and learn from the stories of other women who have faced discrimination and the importance of inclusion.

  • Information and Inspiration: Discover strategies and practical solutions to value diversity in your community and actively engage in inclusion initiatives.

  • Empowerment: Be part of a community that fights for equal rights and the recognition of diversity as a valuable resource for everyone.

We invite you to join this meeting to discover how we can collaborate and support diversity, building together a more equitable and inclusive environment for all!

Part of

Continuum Feminin

Continuum Feminin