An exploration of the contemporary composer's multimedia laboratory

An exploration of the contemporary composer's multimedia laboratory – presentation of interactive audio-visual techniques. Case studies.

Composer and multimedia artist Cătălin Crețu invites participants to an encounter with interactive audio-visual art, a journey into his creative laboratory. They will have the opportunity to get in touch with contemporary techniques of artistic creation and experiment with ways of audio-visual interaction. The techniques used will be explained, tested by the audience and developed together with the participants.

Photo credit: Sabina Ulubeanu

This artistic creation was produced with the support of an Energie! Creative Grant awarded by the Municipality of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects, within the Power Station component of the National Cultural Programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023".
The material does not necessarily represent the position of the Center for Projects and the latter is not responsible for its content or how it may be used.

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Eterofonii optosonice | Variațiuni/extensii acustice