Ars Electronica evening @HEI

The latest selection of animated short films from the renowned Ars Electronica Animation Festival, which takes place annually in Linz (Austria), is presented by the Austrian Cultural Forum for the first time in Timișoara, on September 30, 2023, 7.00 PM, at HEI - House of European Institutes (Theresia Bastion). "An evening with Ars Electronica @HEI" brings to the audience films made by top young European filmmakers illustrating the evolution of visual and sound arts under the impact of new technologies and creatively dealing with topical themes. The event is being held under the aegis of the 50th anniversary of the Department for Cultural Affairs of the Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs. Admission is free.

For many years, the screening program of the Ars Electronica Animation Festival has shown the best of current productions, compiled from the submissions to the Prix Ars Electronica’s category Computer Animation. This year, 657 movies were submitted to a pre-selection jury, which chose the films to be presented and awarded at this year's Ars Electronica Animation Festival.

Many of the works being shown can be categorized as expanded animation, such as various VR experiences, hybrids between games and animations, site-specific installations, or experiments with new technology such as artificial intelligence or machine learning. The spectrum of formats ranges from animated shorts to animated documentaries, from experimental-abstract works to interactive animated audio-visual environments.

For “An evening with Ars Electronica @HEI”, Timișoara audience will watch the two most important sections of the program - Electronic Theater and Austrian Panorama.

Ars Electronica is a cultural hub and platform working at the intersection of art, technology and society through organizing exhibitions, educational programs and research projects focused on the future of our societies. Founded in 1979 in Linz as a festival it has since expanded to include a laboratory, an award and a museum dedicated to the study and promotion of media arts and digital culture.

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the European Echoes Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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HEI - House of European Institutes 2023

HEI - House of European Institutes 2023