The group of young participants in the project, together with the artistic mentors and the coordinating teachers, will participate in a thematic artistic camp at the Zolt Training Center (Fârdea commune, Timiș county).

The summer camp will last 5 days and will contain a series of artistic workshops (theatre, visual arts, music, media) where teams of students will work together with their mentors. Thus, during these days, the show is completed together with the music, clothing, decor and the ways of presentation and promotion of the show. During this activity, the idea and the choreography of the flashmob, which will happen in September in the city center, will also take shape.

In addition to the proposed workshops, Art Talent Camp will offer the possibility of interactive activities, hikes, which will contribute to the development of group cohesion and collaboration between young people, artists and teachers.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is financed by the Power Station+ program | Creative schools, run by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Art Talent Point

Art Talent Point