Ukrainian borscht is a unique symbol of the Ukrainian people, an important element of their cultural heritage and a unifying and 'warming' element wherever they are, in the diaspora or on the frontline, serving Ukrainian borscht is a unifying symbolic moment.

At the end of the FRONT war photography exhibition, together with the Timisoara community FAINA UA, we would also like to conclude the FRONT exhibition with a moment of silence in memory of the victims of wars everywhere and to symbolically consume the famous beetroot borsht together with representatives of the Ukrainian community in Timisoara and Timisoara residents: on Saturday, September 15, at 18:00, at HEI.

There will be an evening of tasting Ukrainian beetroot borscht and a moment to manifest a peaceful future.

Until then, the war photography exhibition is on display at the HEI and can be visited according to the following schedule:

Wednesday - Friday: 16:00 - 20:00

Saturday - Sunday: 14:00 - 20:00

Since the complete invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Ukrainians all over the world have been introducing Europeans to the values of their people by serving borscht. The borscht always brings people together around conversations on important, ideological topics about Ukrainian identity and the preservation of their people, nation and country. Because this war is precisely about the identity of the Ukrainian people and the undeniable right to exist as an independent, strong and sovereign state.

The history of this dish:

Ukrainian Borsh is a traditional Ukrainian dish, a thick beetroot-based soup. It contains many vegetables, such as cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, as well as meat, usually beef or pork. Borsh is served with cream and often accompanied by garlic pampușki. This dish is a symbol of Ukrainian culinary heritage and is popular not only in Ukraine but in many countries around the world.

Ukrainian borscht was included in 2022 on UNESCO's list of Intangible Cultural Heritage, a recognition that underlines the importance of borscht as part of Ukrainian national identity and culture. Inclusion on the UNESCO list contributes to the protection and promotion of this traditional dish at the international level.

The event is free of charge.

Scena9 and Rezidența9 are cultural programs run by Fundația9, established and supported by BRD Groupe Société Générale. Foundation9 is a strategic partner of EUNIC Romania within the HEI 2024 program. 

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HEI - House of European Institutes 2024

HEI - House of European Institutes 2024