Connecting the dots: Balkan Cultural Encounters

”Connecting the Dots: Balkan Cultural Encounters" gathers diverse artists, intellectuals, and enthusiasts from across the region in Timișoara, one of the three European Capital of Cultures in 2023. We will embark on an evening of storytelling, live music, poetry, and riveting discussions, all designed to illuminate the intricate web of connections that define the Balkans and Europe.

Lidja Dimkovska, poet, novelist and translator, North Macedonia / Slovenia & Radu Vancu, poet, scholar and translator, President of PEN Romania - discussion: "Can literature and transcultural ties bring us closer in times of polarization and intolerance?";

  • Miruna Vlada, poet, Romania;
  • Aida Šošić, musician, Romania/Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Vladica Jovanović, human rights activist, Serbia;
  • Vasiliki Maltasouglu, Director of Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival and co-founder of Balkans Beyond Borders, Greece;
  • Balkans Beyond Borders 2023 short films.

As the event will unfold before your eyes, we will captivate you with a blend of performances and conversations. Poets, artists and unconventional storytellers will transcend borders, uniting the shared experiences of people from various Balkan nations. While the political landscape often stands in stark contrast and lack of cooperation and unity, culture is undeniably the beating heart of our societies, a realm where connections thrive, vibrancy pulsates, and enchantment dances at every turn.

We will explore diversity and identity, reconciliation, and the unwavering spirit of the Balkans. Poetry will be recited with fervour and grace, live music will fill the air with unity and resonance. In the midst of it all, dynamic discussions, delve deep into the historical, political, and cultural bonds that knit this region together, underscoring the imperative of mutual understanding and cooperation.

We will dwelve into the life stories of three remarkable young women - Vladica, Aida and Vasiliki - that will illustrate us how their life trajectories were connecting the dots in the Balkans. Next, we will take part in a cultural discussion between the two acclaimed writers Lidija Dimkovska and Radu Vancu about the power of literature to connect the dots in our region in these dire times of polarization and conflict, that will be followed by a enchanting poetry reading by the two of them and the writer Miruna Vlada. All will be spiced up by the songs of Aida Sosic (voice) and Mike Alex (contrabas, bas) and a selection of awarded short films created by young directors from the region from the Balkans Beyond Borders Short Film Festival (

"Connecting the Dots: Balkan cultural encounters" is not merely an event; it's a celebration of art and dialogue, forging connections and fostering unity in a region often marked by division.
The cultural event “Connecting the dots: Balkan cultural encounters” will take place on Saturday, 18th of November 2023 in Timișoara (Romania), 18h00-20h30. Participation is free of charge, but registration prior to the event is mandatory for seat allocation. Because of limited seats in the location please make a reservation in advance at the following link:
Participation is free of charge, but registration prior to the event is mandatory for seat allocation.

Event organized by Association INK - Innovation Needs Knowledge and the Centre for European Studies SNSPA, in cooperation with West University of Timișoara, with the support of the European Fund for the Balkans through its beeEFB Programme.

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CONNECTING THE DOTS. Policy debate EU integration of Balkan countries & Balkan cultural encounters

CONNECTING THE DOTS. Policy debate EU integration of …