Diary | Olha Yeriemieieva

Diary is a journal installation, inspired by Herta Muller's novel "The Cradle of Breath", from the story of a teenager who falls victim, along with tens of thousands of others, to the deportation to labor camps in the Soviet Union. The story is set against the situation of Ukrainians who were forced to relocate because of the war, as in the case of the installation's author, Olha Yeriemieva. The reasons for relocation are, of course, different, but the psychological impact is similar.

The focus falls on how certain places, circumstances, influence the mind and body. Inspired by the story ”WE PUT A BIT OF OUR SOUL INTO EACH OF OUR DISHES", collected by Nicoleta Mușat as part of the project Moving Fireplaces in 2022, the author of the project creates a collection of subjective stories that reflects how different people experience traumatic events on a large scale.

The diary can be read from a bunk bed, which is at the same time a symbol of comfort, home and a reference to labor camps and refugee camps.

About the author: The main theme of Olha Yeriemieieva’s work is the extended vision on corporality. She works with subjects related to feminism, physical and psychological traumas and aspects regarding the human body and the influence that the environment has on it. The temporality and repeatability are important elements of her creation. The tools with which she works are photography, videography, graphics and printed publications. In her practice, she is interested in the idea of creating history, recording it, documenting it, especially through the lens of corporality. 

The opening of the installation will take place on 1 September, h 18:00 and can be visited daily, between 13:00- 19:00, until 15 September 2023, together with the sound installation ”Time of the wolves” by the ukrainian artist Adrian Mokanu. 

Organizer: Prin Banat

This event is presented within the framework of Moving Fireplaces Festival 2023.

Partners: Gărâna Jazz Fest, The Community of Romanians in Serbia, The Revolution Memorial Association, Center for Projects Timișoara 

The Moving Fireplaces Festival 2023 is a component of the cultural project Cămine în mișcare - Moving Fireplaces - part of the National cultural programme „Timișoara - European Capital of Culture 2023” (Timișoara 2023), funded by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Center for Projects. 

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Moving Fireplaces

Moving Fireplaces