Double bill: Diversely Typical & The Story of Lost Stories | DINAM, ediția a 4-a

Diversely Typical

Diversely Typical, winner of the Best Production award at Esplora's STEM Awards, is a contemporary dance performance that highlights neurodiversity. Choreographed to showcase the behavioral nuances of various neurological disorders, the performance aims to break the stigma surrounding the behaviors of neuroatypical individuals. It explores the natural variation in human genes, known as neurodiversity, which can lead to conditions such as autism, ADHD, ODD, and SPD. The show promotes tolerance and the embracing of neurodiversity, advocating for a society where acceptance and inclusion become the new norm. Diversely Typical delivers a powerful message through art, targeting a young, educated, and aware generation in a world free of hostile judgments. Diversity must become the new norm!

Choreography: Diane Portelli in collaboration with the performers
Cast: Dorian Mallia, Charlotte Carpentier, Cindelle Bouard, Vika Medvedeva, Teodor Cauș
Music: Max Richter
Sign Language Interpreter: Angela Mate
Duration: 20 minutes

The Story of Lost Stories

The central concept of The Story of Lost Stories explores the transgenerational legacy of the contemporary individual, examining how personal histories shape their relationship with the world and those around them: "We tell stories from the past to understand our shared present." Under the direction of the choreographer, the five dancers create various experiential stories, using both spoken word and specific languages of movement and expression.

Concept and Choreography: Lavinia Urcan in collaboration with the performers
Cast: Teodor Cauș, Antonia Itineanț, Vika Medvedeva, Beatrice Tudor, Carolina Țapoc
Choreography Assistant: Oana Antonovici
Sound Design: George Allen
Light Design: Andrei Chifu
Duration: 60 minutes

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition is a project aimed at strengthening and making contemporary dance more accessible as a relevant form of artistic expression, along with its related events, within the cultural landscape of the city of Timișoara. 

The Diversely Typical performance is made possible through Perform Europe, a funding program supported by the European Union for the performing arts sector in Europe. It facilitates international networks and supports inclusive touring projects across the 40 member countries of the Creative Europe program. Perform Europe emphasizes sustainability and inclusion-based practices, aiming to transform the performing arts sector and ensure a balanced distribution across the continent.

Co-financiers: FITT, Iulius Town, French Institute Timișoara, Perform Europe
Partners: Basca Theater, West City Radio, Cărturești,

The project is implemented by the Unfold Motion Association and is part of the national cultural program 'Timișoara European Capital of Culture in 2023,' funded through the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, managed by the Timișoara Project Center, with funds allocated from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture's budget.

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DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition