Directed by Sudabeh Mortezai

Starring: Lilith Stangenberg, Jetnor Gorezi, Steljona Kadillari, Mirando Sylari, Tobias Winter

Drama - Austria, UK, 2023 - 1h37min

Spoken in Albanian, English, subtitled in English and Romanian


Ambitious Beate represents the interests of the Europa corporation, which is pushing for an expansion into the Balkans at any cost. Although the company's stated goals are charitable acts and investment in underdeveloped areas, Beate is fiercely resisted by Jetnor, a stubborn farmer who refuses to sell the land he inherited from father to son.

"The film is built around the spectacular performance of Lilith Stangenberg, who plays the title role. (...) Mortezai has a definite flair when he gives important parts to amateur actors Gorezi and Kadillari. (...) Thanks to cinematographer Klemens Hufnagl, <<Europe>> pays tribute to Albania's as yet untouched rural splendours without falling into the sin of stereotypical beauty of a view" (Marko Stojiljković,


Sarajevo Film Festival, London Film Festival, Zurich Film Festival

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the European Echoes Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Organised in partnership with the Municipality of Timișoara through the Project Centre.

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Taifas I Festival de Film, Artă și Cultură Balcanică

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