Exploratori vizuali: ateliere de design grafic și de fotografie pentru copii

The digital development workshops for children begin with the first courses in graphic design and photography, supported by the experts of the Politehnica University of Timișoara. These sessions are not just lessons, but also journeys through time and space, allowing students to make their visual mark on the city's narratives.

The young visual explorers will learn the art of capturing the living and vibrant history of Timisoara through the lens of a camera or phone. From impressive architectural frames to dynamic portraits of everyday life, every photo can tell a story, encapsulating the spirit of our city. Photography captures reality, and graphic design transforms and contextualizes it, allowing stories to take shape and become accessible to a wide audience. We invite creativity to meet technology by using graphic design software to create posters, collages and other materials that express the personality of the city.

Photography is like an art, preserving moments, fixing in time the stories that surround us. The photography workshops bring to the fore the urban landscapes and details that define Timișoara and encourages children to observe and document the cultural and historical heritage of the city, an essential first step in digital storytelling. Graphic design takes these captured moments and amplifies their impact and meaning. Through the combination of images, text, and compositional elements, children can learn to construct powerful visual messages. This process of reinterpretation and creation is vital to bringing stories to life, translating them into materials that inspire the community.

These workshops encourage children to become active storytellers of the city and use modern tools to bring new places and stories to light. We also help them understand and respect intellectual property, ethical use of images and digital creations, cultivate responsibility and respect for copyright.

Through these workshops we aim to foster pride in our cultural heritage and inspire a new generation of responsible digital content creators aware of their impact on the community.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is financed by the Power Station+ program | Creative schools, run by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

Stories of Timișoara

Stories of Timișoara