Félix Blume - Son Seul / Wildtrack

Félix Blume has been a sound engineer for films and documentaries for over a decade. Like his colleagues, he spends hours recording sounds alone after the shooting, finding noises and atmospheres typical to the location that will then enrich the film editing. Those sounds are called “Wildtracks” in English, “Sons seuls” in French. One day while hunting for sounds, he realized he also produces images that are often absurd, poetic, crazy or even funny. While the point of view of the camera is static, the point of listening is moving. The action happens at the end of the microphone boom, producing a shift that invites us to watch with a new ear. This video series is composed of 35 short films recorded all around the world.


Félix Blume (France, 1984) is a sound artist and sound engineer. He currently works and lives between Mexico, Brazil and France.

He uses sound as a basic material in sound pieces, videos, actions and installations. His process is often collaborative, working with communities and using public space as the context within which he explores and presents his works. His practice involves an extended understanding of listening, as a way to encourage the awareness of the imperceptible and as an act of encounter with others. His work incorporates the sounds of different beings and species, from the buzzing of a bee, the steps of a turtle or the chirp of a cricket, as well as human dialogues both with natural and urban contexts. He is interested in myths and their contemporary interpretation, in what voices can tell beyond words.

His sound pieces have been broadcasted in radios from all over the world. He has been awarded with the “soundscape” prize (2018) for his video-piece Curupira, creature of the woods and the “Pierre Schaeffer” prize (2015) for his work Los Gritos de México at the Phonurgia Nova Awards. His film Luces del Desierto was awarded with First Prize of International Short Films at L’Alternativa CCCB (2021) and Grand Prize Video Art at Côté Court (2021).

A project developed by SIMULTAN.org, and is part of the National Cultural Program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" funded by Timișoara's Municipality through the Projects Center and the Center for Culture and Art of Timiș County fom public funds allocated by the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

Narative Sonore

Narative Sonore