Folk workshops for children

Folk Workshops for children include craft workshops, led by artists and craftsmen with themes related to the customs specific to  Grape Harvest. Gastro workshops are carried out under the coordination of local chefs and focus on making traditional snacks specific to the autumn period. The interactive music and folk dance program related to the customs of the Grape Harvest for children, is organized by Pál Cristina and led by guest Okányi Mihály from Hungary. Through this program, participants will have the opportunity to learn about traditions related to Grape Harvest different traditional musical instruments, traditional popular games. The workshops will run simultaneously. Considering their specificity ,the number of places will be limited (max. 20 people per workshop) and for better management participants will register through their parents in advance, filling out a registration form through Google Forms that will be posted on the website. The interactive music and traditional dance program is an open event for all those who want to know some customs of the ethnic groups of the region.

*Venue: Festive hall, classrooms, multifunctional hall, dining hall of the Bartók Béla Theoretical High School

The project is part of the national cultural program Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023 and is financed by the OverBorder Culture+ program, run by the Center for Culture and Art of Timiș County, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture

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Bartók Folk Days

Bartók Folk Days