Forum Theatre Class for Teaches

Forum Theatre, a type of theater centered on social issues, aims to sensitize participants to people's rights, injustices faced and the role of each person in changing society for the better. With the help of a Joker, people in the audience can take the stage to intervene in finding a solution to the oppressive situation presented.

This type of interactive and cultural activity, carried out with groups of teachers and in classes of students, fulfills the objective of the project by creating an educational environment that inspires, develops creativity and prepares participants for the challenges and opportunities of a constantly changing world.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is financed by the Power Station+ program | Creative schools, run by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

Forum Theatre | A Creative Method for Teaches

Forum Theatre | A Creative Method for Teaches