Full Moon | TESZT 2024

Full Moon, premiering at the Montpellier Danse Festival in June 2024, brings together seven of Omma's eight dancers to further explore and expand upon the themes introduced in the original piece, with Josef Nadj joining them onstage. The moon in the title symbolizes the cosmos, the genesis of the universe preceding life's emergence. It could offer the production a rhythmic structure, echoing its 28-day cycle and four phases. Nadj delves into the roots and evolution of black American jazz, introducing dancers to this genre rooted in African culture. Together, they analyze the music's forms and ethos to develop corresponding movements. 

Full Moon pays homage to eminent representatives of the movement like Charles Mingus, Cecil Taylor, Anthony Braxton and the Art Ensemble of Chicago. The production incorporates puppetry, a recurring motif in Nadj's work, representing the interplay between the animate and inanimate, the imperfect nature of creation, and the eternal struggle between creator and creation.


Directed by/Choreographed by/Created by: Josef Nadj

Interpreters: Timothé Ballo, Abdel Kader Diop, Aipeur Foundou, Bi Jean Ronsard Irié, Jean-Paul Mehansio, Sombewendin Marius Sawadogo, Boukson Séré - Josef Nadj

Artistic collaborator: Ivan Fatjo

Light: Sylvain Blocquaux

Costumes: Paula Dartigues

Production: Diffusion Bureau Platô Séverine Péan and Mathilde Blatgé

Administration: Laura Petit

Executive production: Atelier 3+

Coproductions: Montpellier Danse, Le Trident, Scène nationale de Cherbourg, MC 93 Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, Bobigny, Charleroi Danse, Le Tropique Atrium, Fort-de-France Théâtre des Salins, Scène nationale de Martigues, Le Théâtre d’Arles
With the support Ministère de la Culture -DRAC Ile de France Action financed by la Région Île-de-France


Age restrictions: 14+

Running time: 1 h (no intermission)

Nonverbal performance

Part of

TESZT 2024

TESZT 2024