Glas: A symphonic interpretation of traditional bulgarian music

“Glas”: A symphonic reinterpretation of traditional bulgarian music" is a symphonic concert that reinterprets traditional Bulgarian music in a contemporary classical style, highlighting the rich sound of Bulgaria’s cultural heritage. The title “Glas” comes from the Bulgarian word “Глас,” meaning “sound” or “voice,” emphasizing music as a form of cultural communication.

Composed and orchestrated by George Denis Ardelean and conducted by Andreas Schein, the music will be performed by the Banatul Philharmonic Orchestra. The concert also features special guest Vasilev Zhivko, known for playing the traditional Bulgarian flute, the kaval.

The event celebrates cultural diversity and the historical connections within the region, particularly in Timișoara, Romania. Known for its multicultural environment, Timișoara has been a meeting point for various ethnicities and cultures. This diversity is reflected in the city’s vibrant cultural scene.

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"O interpretare simfonică a muzicii tradiționale bulgărești"

"O interpretare simfonică a muzicii tradiționale bulgărești"