Guardians of Lesbians’ Memoirs

As part of the exhibition Herstory of Our Queer Futures or The Scorpion Snuff Box: A Visual Journey Into a queer Novel, we invite you to a lesbian salon in the shape of a dialogue between activists Suzette Robichon and Traude Bührmann, partners in life, writing and activism. Discussion moderated by Andre Rădulescu.

Suzette Robichon (France) is a writer, feminist activist and a proud lesbian. After studying in Montauban and Toulouse, Suzette moved to Paris in the early 1970s. Between 1978 and 1980 she joined the Paris Lesbian Group and was also part of the initiative of the first newspaper created by lesbians for lesbians published in France (Quand les femmes s'aiment) from 1978 to 1980. Together with Michèle Causse de Vlasta she founded the magazine Vlasta, a review of Amazonian fiction and utopias, and published Le voyage sans fin by Monique Wittig. Passionate about theorist's writings, she organized in 2011 together with Sam Bourcier a colloquium about her work in Paris. A year later, the works were published under the title Because Lesbians Are Not Women (Parce que les lesbiennes ne sont pas des femmes). The same year, she wrote with Traude Bührman a historical and cultural guide to lesbian Paris published under the title: Lesbisches Paris.

"I write in images, I tell stories through photographs, I focus on a poetic perspective."

Traude Bührmann is a writer, translator, photographer, poet, and traveller. She grew up in West Germany, lived in India, Nepal, Montreal, and Paris, but spent most of her life at home, in Berlin. She studied sociology, was the editor of the feminist magazine Courage and the co-founder of Lesben.Kultur.Etage Araquin. After her first story Flug uber Moabiter Mauern (1987), she had several exhibitions and appeared in numerous literary and visual publications with various works: photographs in international magazines, photo-text-sound compositions about volcanoes, lesbian countries, and cultures megalithic, novels and portraits about travel, old age, life, and death. She created the guides Lesbian Berlin and Lesbian Paris, together with Suzette Robichon, and published the book In die Welt hinaus, in die Welt hinein (In the World Outside, in the World Inside), which summarizes half a century of traveling to lesbian places. She has initiated a lesbian community in Schöneberg, Berlin

This project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

This event is part of the project Invisible Histories, funded with a 489,592 RON grant by Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway, through the EEA and Norway Grants.

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