GUIDED TOUR: Exhibition Marius Bercea - This Side of Paradise

We invite you to discover the Marius Bercea  This Side of Paradise exhibition by taking part in the guided tour, together with Marius Bercea, the artist, and Diana Marincu, the curator of this exhibition.

When? Saturday, June 1st, from 17:00
Where: Art Encounters Foundation, Bd. Take Ionescu no. 46C, Timisoara

Participation is free. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you!

The exhibition is organized by Art Encounters Foundation and co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.

An event possible also thanks to our strategic sponsor, Banca Transilvania, followed by the support of ISHO, Cramele Recas, Volvo Autocardo, as well as media partners Radio Romania Cultural, RFI Romania, The Institute, Zeppelin, and Revista Arta.

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O lume ARTfel