Heritage in the Spotlight – Worlds Revived: The Show

A performance of music and poetry, with the use of digital technology and elements of augmented reality.

Heritage in the Spotlight – Revived Worlds is a music and poetry show that brings childhood stories, student youth and family memories to the fore, inviting the audience on a special journey. The past and the present merge in an unprecedented way with the help of digital technologies and augmented reality, which will create a special show for the present audience, reviving memories, images and moments from the life of the Jecza family and beyond.

The event is carried out in partnership with the Triade Foundation and will take place on Sunday, November 5, 2023, from 19:00, inside the Jecza Museum (Calea Martirilor 1989 51/45, Timișoara). The participants will enjoy the classical music performed by Alexandra Guțu, Marcel Tolcea and the memories of the student years and life memories with Smaranda Vultur and the poems of Robert Șerban, as part of the project Patrimoniu under the spotlight.

Under the spotlight, we return to the paths of the past, in the sanctuary of memories, a place where moments we thought forgotten will come to life again on classical musical chords. Every musical chord, every line spoken, every phrase read will bring back memories of old games, first loves, long evenings of study and family gatherings filled with laughter and love.

Admission is free, but places are limited to only 60 people, so those interested are asked to reserve a place by filling out this form.

The digital components of the project are accessible online at https://spotlight-timisoara.eu/ and through the mobile applications that can be downloaded from the Android and Apple stores, searching for "Spotlight Timisoara".

Spotlight Heritage Timișoara / Patrimoniul sub reflectoare este o inițiativă culturală digitală a Universității Politehnica Timișoara realizată în parteneriat cu Muzeul Național al Banatului, parte a Programului Cultural Timișoara 2023 Capitală Europeană a Culturii. Proiect cultural co-finanțat de Municipiul Timișoara prin Centrul de Proiecte, Consiliul Județean Timiș, Ministerul Culturii, EEA and Norway Grants.

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Patrimoniul sub reflectoare Timisoara 2023

Patrimoniul sub reflectoare Timisoara 2023