I am Alex & Traitor Double Bill - Moveo Dance Company

I am Alex

An Alex, adjective: slang term for believing you are the main character in everybody's story. ex: "You are such an Alex for believing that Jessica and Bryan broke up because of you!" Am I an Alex? No, no, I'm not. It is not true. Or is it? Aren't we all a bit anyway?

I am Alex is a piece choreographed by Dorian Mallia, artistic director of Moveo Dance Company, which aims to explore the concept of ego and self-centeredness in a world led by the culture of me, myself and I. The three characters are all "Alexes", with the piece focusing on a single character. We witness denial, frustration and his eventual realisation that we are all an Alex to some varying degree.

Choreographer/ Artistic Director: Dorian Mallia
Dancers : Gabriele Farinacci, Cindelle Bouard, Charlotte Carpentier
Music: Albert Garzia
Costume design: Dorian Mallia
Costume making: Doris Mallia

Traitor (Trădător)

The Dictator, The Pleaser, The Gossiper. Should you not identify with the above, de facto you are, The Traitor. “An alien in my own home. I feel trapped in a cage. I am a minority amongst a very small minority. There is nothing left for me here, I feel like Venom infecting my own society, the only form of salvation is for me to leave. It helps reassure me that in the big world I am absolutely normal".

Venom - a performance depicting elements of ailment in one's identity. Once you feel you can no longer assimilate with your culture, your community, your home, then your emotions and mental state is altered. The piece is drawn into the psyche of the protagonist, brought up in a closed minded community, which brings about feelings of entrapment, for him who fights to be free. Presented in an abstract manner, we follow the narrative of this community where people speculate, dictate and intimidate. With the pressures getting too strong, leaving seems to be the only form of escape.

Choreographer: Director/ Diane Portelli
Dancers : Gabriele Farinacci, Cindelle Bouard, Charlotte Carpentier, Victor Hermundstad, Irene Nocella
Music: Mario Sammut
Costume design: Ritianne Zammit
Text: Carmel Scicluna

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

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DINAM – Stagiunea de dans contemporan Timișoara – ediția a III-a

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