In diesem Moment denken alle an mich

In diesem Moment denken alle an mich, by Mu Wang
Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Baden-Württemberg, Ludwigsburg

Like holding your own funeral to say goodbye to your life/or lives. Mu Wang, the character of the show, thus embarks on a journey, traversing a very personal underground world, where she mourns his culture and home, burying her femininity and soul.

Director / Performer / Text: Mu Wang
Dramaturgy: Gabriel Kowak, Jana Fritzsche, Philine Pastenaci (für die Wiederaufnahme)
Scenographer: Jhana Nelles, Katharina Link
Sound design: Yan Yue
Thanks to: Emelie Payler, Franziska Fleckenstein, Maria Rox, Studio Theater Stuttgart

The performance is part of Sunlight Theater Performative Dialogues and is part of the National Cultural Program „Timișoara – European Capital of Culture 2023” and is funded by the program European Echoes Timișoara 2023, implemented by the Timișoara Center of Project, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Sunlight Theatre I Performative Dialogues

Sunlight Theatre I Performative Dialogues