In the footsteps of the Revolution

The course, In the Footsteps of the Revolution, is experiential in nature, using photo-video materials, guided tours (including the Tramway of the Revolution), visits to the Memorial of the Revolution, group projects, with an applied and practical character, designed to give them a consistent and grounded perspective on the phenomenon of the Revolution and with the possibility of creative expression.

Through the course on the trail of the Revolution we propose to the students a program that spans 5 weeks, centered on exposure and discussion around moments of major impact, feedback and journal of the Revolution. In the process of registering for the course we will distribute information about the objectives and conditions of the programme, the commitment we expect from them. This will be done through posters in school, through the teachers involved in each school, through social media groups.

The course is open to all those who wish to enrol and will exclude any criteria that might discriminate against them on the basis of status, ethnicity, religion, gender, political affiliation or membership of vulnerable or non-traditional groups.

The course is open to all those wishing to enrol and will exclude any criteria that might discriminate against them on the basis of status, ethnicity, religion, gender, political affiliation or membership of vulnerable or non-traditional groups.

What does the project propose?

1. guided tour On the footsteps of the Revolution, with Alexandra Irimia;

2. visit, lecture at the Memorial of the Revolution, with 1-2 teachers;

3. publication of the book, launch, etc.

 What do teachers have to do?

1. form a group with students interested in the topic;

2. accompany them to the guided tour On the Traces of the Revolution with Alexandra Irimia, as well as all the activities of the course;

3. after all this - the students try to write either a poem, a fictional prose or dramatic text, or a diary-essay, any idea is welcome - the important thing is to reflect there "their revolution", their vision, their perspective on the Revolution;

4. we collect the texts, we need texts that are as authentic as possible about what our children feel, think and imagine about recent history. the attempt is essential.

5. publish a volume of the pupils' texts;

6. teachers and students receive online and printed support materials.

The project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is funded through the Inside Timișoara 2023 programme, implemented by the Center for Projects Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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REVerse Poetry

REVerse Poetry