Influences (contemporary dance performance) | DINAM, 4th edition

The contemporary dance performance "Influences" aims to explore the journey each person undertakes to discover their own identity. This initiatory path is essential for the discovery and formation of one's personality, involving obstacles and experiences meant to lead to maturity. It is a personal and individual journey, yet it may be connected to the path traveled by our ancestors. Other themes of the performance include death, time, affection, and playfulness, which contribute to creating multiple choreographic layers interconnected through the motif of the journey. An archaic universe is created, with an atmosphere from a suspended time, where the way of life is in direct connection with nature. This explains the presence of wheat as a scenographic element, allowing for both the shaping of the atmosphere and the highlighting of the idea of the path that the characters follow. The characters use wheat metaphorically to construct the image of the road and to refer to both their origin and the meaning they seek. The performance "Influences" intends to speak about achieving maturity and discovering one's own identity through an initiatory journey, using a distinct stylistic approach and a choreographic language born from the meeting between the folklore of minorities and contemporary dance.

Concept and Choreography: Teodora Tudose
Cast: Ana-Maria Bănuță, Antonia Itineanț, Marin Lupanciuc, Cătălina Oance, Teodora Tudose
Music: Sarah Mitrofan
Costumes: Valentin Teodorescu
Light Design: Andrei Chifu

Producer: Unfold Motion

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition is a project aimed at strengthening and making contemporary dance more accessible as a relevant form of artistic expression, along with its related events, within the cultural landscape of the city of Timișoara.

The project is implemented by the Unfold Motion Association and is part of the national cultural program 'Timișoara European Capital of Culture in 2023,' funded through the Legacy Timișoara 2023 program, managed by the Timișoara Project Center, with funds allocated from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture's budget.

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DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition