Jonas Monib: Artistic residency in collaboration with Niki Residency Hannover

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the presentation of “Burial for Prosperity,” the resulting project of Jonas Monib's artistic residency at the Art Encounters Foundation, in collaboration with Niki Residency Hannover. 

The presentation of the project “Burial for Prosperity” will take place on Saturday, October 28, from 18:00 at the ISHO Pavilion, adjacent to the Art Encounters Foundation.

The German artist's installation can be admired until November 4, according to the following schedule: Tuesday – Saturday, between 12:00 – 18:00.

The project Jonas is developing during his residency at the Art Encounters Foundation will focus on the failed promise of a better future and prosperity for all. His proposed installation consists of two portable screens suspended from balloons, a Plexiglas palanquin, and a triptych of advertising photos.

Jonas Monib lives and works in Hanover, Germany. He studied at the State Academy of Art and Design in Stuttgart and Sangyo University in Fukuoka, Japan. He creates installations using sculpture, photography, and video materials. His works often evoke a fragile sense of nostalgia, which is deconstructed and confronted with a present in continuous crisis. In this process, myth and reality are blurred, and connections, once lost, are recreated in fractured visual stories using facts, notes, quotes, opinions, and autobiographical fragments.

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ACT - Art, Connections and Transformation

ACT - Art, Connections and Transformation