Let's talk about global warming!

During the Let's talk about global warming workshop, trainers Alexandru Romescu and Andreea Todinca, together with actresses Laura Gîrbovan and Maria Leca, will involve the young participants (children aged between 5 and 12) in a series of interactive games aimed at raising awareness of the global warming issue.

The games will start from the premise that a ruthless ogre has stolen the seasons and hidden them in the cellar of his castle. Through the actions and games coordinated by the trainers, the little ones will set the seasons free, discovering the specificity and beauty of each one.

The workshops will take place both in the Civic Park (from 10:00) and in the I.C. Brătianu Park (from 12:00), with free access.

Beyond the non-formal education activities that aim to raise awareness among children and young people about the dangers of global warming, the project also aims to develop empathy and tolerance towards vulnerable people.

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Să vorbim despre încălzirea globală!