Line (of conduct), trait (of character) and point (of view)

Pavilion ISHO is hosting, on the occasion of the official opening of Timișoara 2023, the exhibition of the artist Liliana Mercioiu Popa, a representative name for the contemporary art scene in Timișoara. Entitled "The line (of conduct), the trait (of character) and the point of view (of view)", the exhibition is curated by Ami Barak, an international curator, present in recent years in Timișoara through important exhibition projects.

During the entire period of the exhibition, the public will be involved on several levels: reflexively - through the informative content of the works, co-creatively - through collaboration within an interactive work and proactively - through the search for solutions individually and together, in dialogues with the artist. Civic attitude, critical spirit and concrete initiative can generate behavioral models that can have an influence on cleaner air to breathe, on a climate that is easier to tolerate and on a healthier and assumed way of life.

The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara - European Cultural Capital in 2023" and is financed by the Opening+ program, run by Timișoara Center for Projects, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture of Romania.

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Linia (de conduită), trăsătura (de caracter) și punctul …