Maria Balabaș - Soundwalks

The urban space can be an invitation towards recontextualizing our place in the world, through the auditory exploration of its multiple symbolic ramifications. Practices of soundwalks inspired by theoretical writings and historical scores propose sensitive and performative exercises for an accentuation of auditory perception. Together, we form a silent choir that writes its own gestural and sonic score while traversing the city.


  • Saturday, 03/06/2023
    16:00 - 17:00
  • Sunday, 04/06/2023
    11:00 - 12:00
  • Sunday, 04/06/2023
    19:00 - 20:00


Maria Balabaș is a radio personality and musician. She created and maintained Dimineața crossover for 12 years at Radio Romania Cultural, where she was also involved in the development of numerous projects dedicated to sound innovation. She has been nominated for Prix Europa, Prix Italia, Grand Prix Nova, and has received the Semi Silent award. She has initiated musical groups inspired by improvisation techniques. She studies and practices exploratory forms of soundwalks.

A project developed by, and is part of the National Cultural Program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" funded by Timișoara's Municipality through the Projects Center and the Center for Culture and Art of Timiș County fom public funds allocated by the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

Narative Sonore

Narative Sonore