Melancholy of October | Incanto Quartetto

Melancholy of October: A Captivating Evening of Musical Splendor Timiș County, 

In a harmonious celebration of art and culture, the Timiș County Council and Art Time proudly presents the enchanting concert, "Melancholy of October," as part of the esteemed project "Concerts in the Multifunctional Hall of the Timiș County Council XI edition." 

This exceptional event promises an evening of captivating melodies that will resonate with music enthusiasts of all ages. The concert, scheduled for Tuesday, October 24, 2023, will take place in the splendid Multifunctional Hall of the Timiș County Council, offering an acoustically rich environment for the audience to immerse themselves in a musical journey. The performance will be graced by the extraordinary talents of Incanto Quartetto, featuring Ovidiu Rusu on violin 1, Nada Petrov on violin 2, Veaceslav Mînzat on viola, and Marius Bernecker on cello. Their impeccable synergy promises to deliver an unforgettable experience for attendees. Accompanying them will be the exceptionally skilled Traian Moldovan on piano, lending his virtuosity to the ensemble. Guiding the audience through this musical odyssey will be the affable and knowledgeable Cristian Rudic, who will serve as the moderator for the evening. The program for the night promises a diverse range of musical delights, including iconic compositions such as "Ladies in Lavender" by Nigel Hess, the soul-stirring "Gabriel's Oboe" by Ennio Morricone, the timeless "Shadow of Your Smile" by Johnny Mandel, the classic "Strangers in The Night" by Bert Kaempfert, and the ever-charming "Moon River" by Henry Mancini. Admission to this extraordinary event is entirely free, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to partake in this cultural celebration. 

This concert is made possible through the generous co-financing by the Timiș County Council, demonstrating their commitment to promoting the arts through the TimCultura 2023 program.

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Concerte în Sala Multifuncțională a Consiliului Județean Timiș ediția a XI-a

Concerte în Sala Multifuncțională a Consiliului Județean Timiș …