Opening Days: HEI-House of European Institutes

The Network of National Cultural Institutes of Europe (EUNIC Romania) is pleased to invite visitors and members of the Timisoara community to the opening days of HEI-House of European Institutes, the new multicultural centre in Timisoara, located in the Theresia Bastion building!

Opening Days programme 21-24 June:

21 June, 18:00 - 22:00 Public opening of HEI, with the presence of representatives of the European Cultural Institutes in Romania, and the opening of the exhibition "Circular Catalysts", part of a wide-ranging British Council programme, in partnership with the Romanian Cultural Institute, exploring the importance of crafts and reconnecting with nature, created in response to the climate emergency.

The exhibition "Circular Catalysts" showcases the potential of Romanian crafts and the countryside in sustainable development, and is created as a pretext to open a critical dialogue on the relationship between the urban and the rural and what we retain from ancestral wisdom to create a better future.

Exhibition programme 21 June - 9 July
Wednesday-Friday: 16.00-20.00 | Saturday-Sunday: 11.00-20.00
Monday-Tuesday: closed

23 June, 17:30 - Repair Talk - panel on sustainability in cultural production.
Guests: Andreea Iager Tako (Ambasada TM, Plai), Alice Sharp (Invisible Dust) și Alex Herberth (KraftMade).
Moderator: Andrei Popov (Deputy Director, Austrian Cultural Forum)

24 June, 16:00 - 02:00 - Party at Bastion
Circular Catalysts presents Solstice Foods of Love: on Community & Lore, a sensory intervention imagined by Marlene Herberth (KraftMade) and inspired by the summer solstice and the customs of Romanian, British and Saxon communities, united by the lime tree and flowers. From 7pm, Dragoș Ilici will start a long-lasting DJ set for dancing from dusk till dawn.

HEI - House of European Institutes is a project coordinated by the Goethe-Institut Bucharest and the German Cultural Centre in Timisoara, together with the Austrian Cultural Forum, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Romania, the Czech Centre Bucharest, the French Institute in Romania, the Embassy of Georgia in Romania, the Greek Cultural Foundation, Italian Institute of Culture, British Council Romania, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on behalf of SICA, Polish Institute in Bucharest, Camões Institute, Romanian Cultural Institute, Spanish Embassy, Cervantes Institute, Swedish Embassy in Bucharest, Turkish Institute "Yunus Emre" and Liszt Institute - Hungarian Cultural Centre Bucharest.

Free access to all events. 

The project is part of the national cultural program "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023" and is financed through the European Echoes program, run by the Projects' Center of the Municipality of Timișoara, with amounts allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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HEI - House of European Institutes 2023

HEI - House of European Institutes 2023