Opening event of the in : v z b l Festival 2023

On September 9, we invite you to the opening event of in : v z b l festival at HEI Cultural Center @ Maria Theresia Bastion.

in : v z b l festival puts the spotlight on invisible communities and offers the public three months of national and international performances.

In the opening we have two dance performances invited from Slovenia and Sweden.

Liminal phantoms
A captivating contemporary solo dance that tells, in an emotional way, an individual's journey to self-discovery and growth through the lens of love. A show that explores themes of mental health and emotional suffering, wrapped in a journey of self-discovery, acceptance and growth. Gradually, the solo deepens and explores the theme of overcoming personal limitations and social barriers. Supple and energetic choreography, evocative hand gestures and facial expressions, all express the subtle artistry of this personal odyssey and stimulate audience participation and introspection.

The Following Body
The Following Body is a visual articulation of physical and sexual violence and the language (or rather non-language) of pain. This performance shows an unimaginable impairment of the organism due to the sudden action of an external force. Two semantic entities appear on stage, while their interdependence and inseparability define their relationship. At one point they are seen as lovers, but in the very next moment as opponents. The dance of silent formations is sensual and aggressive, an exhibit of love and hate.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

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