Performative Reading: lazy heart. Author: Andrew Davidson-Novosivschei

Together with the bookstore La două bufnițe, we invite you on July 16th, 2024, at 18:00, to the Art Encounters Foundation (Timișoara, Take Ionescu bd., 46C, Casa ISHO). Here, the exhibition space will be transformed into a veritable stage where literature and visual art will merge in a unique performative reading, in relation to the exhibition Marius Bercea: This Side of Paradise.

As a part of a series of interdisciplinary events, this event offers a personal and immersive journey into the poetic world of Andrew Davidson-Novosivschei, inspired by his latest volume, lazy heart, a series of emotionally verses about the poet's artistic journey from the American coasts to the lands of Romania, exploring the cultural encounters and vibrant landscapes that have shaped his vision and inspiration.

The performative reading will be conducted by the author himself, Andrew Davidson-Novosivschei.

Author biography

Andrew Davidson-Novosivschei (b. 1987) is a teacher, poet, and translator from Arizona, based in Bucharest since 2015. He has written and published poetry in English and Romanian. Andrew’s poem “the taste of freedom” was nominated for the 2021 Pushcart Prize in the United States. He exhibited poems and drawings in the 2022 solo show “pop-up book” at Diptych Art Space in Bucharest. Andrew translates and publishes prose and poetry in Romanian and English. His poetry volume inimă leneșă [lazy heart] was awarded the Radu Demetriades Prize for Debut in Poetry and published at Dezarticulat Books publishing house the same year.

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