Photography exhibition - Doina Levintza and Piero Marsili Libelli

The event aims to celebrate a cultural revolution through a unique visual project made by the internationally renowned Italian photographer Piero Marsili Libelli in collaboration with the Romanian designer Doina Levintza immediately after the revolution of 1989 and at the beginning of 1990, a project that has never been presented to the Romanian public and which is an emblematic way of celebrating 35 years since this event of major importance in recent history. The event includes the opening of the photography exhibitions by Piero Marsili Libelli and Doina Levintza, a thematic public debate with the participation of specialists in the field of visual arts and history, followed by the screening of a documentary film dedicated to the context of the collaboration between the two artists. Within the framework of the event, the exhibition catalogue "Levintza – a different kind of revolution" will be launched. The exhibition includes also new pictures taken by yound visual artists from Timișoara and fashion design items created by students from the University of Art and Design of Timișoara.

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