Public: Mode d’emploi? | NETWORK – Theatre Schools in Europe

The first evening of the festival, November 10, at 7 pm, Cinema Timiș will host on stage a great performer, Yves Marc, at his first appearance in Romania.

Compagnie Yves MARC - Théâtre du Mouvement comes to Timișoara with the show- conference Public: Mode d’emploi? (Audience: Instructions for Use?), which is the last part of their triptych about the body. The show is a co-production, together with the "Victor Hugo" Theater in Bagneux, the Ouest Rox Association in Mirande and the Cultural Center in Eauze. Get ready for one hour of awareness, thinking about (and maybe answering) questions on art, with a shifted focus to the audience, between its role as consumer-actor and spect-actor.

* translation in Romanian language is provided

The project is part of the National Cultural Program „Timișoara – European Capital of Culture 2023” and is funded by the program European Echoes Timișoara 2023, implemented by the Timișoara Center of Project, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Sunlight Theatre I Performative Dialogues

Sunlight Theatre I Performative Dialogues