Purple GLOW

A new art gallery opens its doors in Timișoara, in the year of the European Cultural Capital, extremely rich in exhibitions and artistic events: Ornella Fusion Gallery, with emphasis and interest in digital arts - digital collage, algorithmic and fractal art, vectors, graphics on computer, photographic painting and drawing, digital painting and drawing, photography, 3D printing.

The gallery has a curatorial program that primarily aims to promote and support Romanian artists in the area of digital arts, with two distinct spaces: one dedicated to temporary exhibitions and another, with a selection of representative works belonging to local artists.

The first artist exhibition: a solo show signed by Timișoara photographer Silviu Preda, "Purple Glow". With a title inspired by the lyrics of W.B. Yeats ("There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow"/ « When midnight is all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow"), but especially by Preda's research related to color in photography, the exhibition includes series already well known to the public , with an impressive history of national and international exhibitions ("Personal Impulses", "Horry", "Diform", "Radiography"), as well as recent works and installations, presented in new formats and dimensions, including the "Purple Easter" series , exhibited publicly for the first time.

With a marked interest in the analysis of refraction and color dispersion, Preda uses his technical research in the construction and affirmation of an artistic style of his own. Beyond the propensity for vibrant images, the artist has distinguished himself in recent years through baroque compositions, with allegorical characters and accents of social criticism, whose scenography elements are thought out and executed in detail, but also through series of photographs oriented towards the study of forms and colors, full of poetry and fragility.

Silviu Preda realizes and controls all stages of the creative process, from message and concept, to mise-en-scene, photography, processing and digital printing, with constant concern for preserving the original artistic vision unaltered.

His biography is already impressive: along with numerous participations in prestigious national and international group exhibitions (we mention « Experimenta – The Other Photography Exhibition, Rome 2022, « Ost Anders Festival », Germany 2022, « The Art of Photography », Barcelona 2023) , had several personal exhibitions very well received by the public and the press, including "The Autopsy of an Ephemeral Society" (Europa gallery, International Biennial of Visual Arts Brașov 2021), "5 O'Clock Pandemic Tea" (Tiny Griffon Gallery Nürnberg , 2022), "Dystopia" (ARTEX gallery of UAP Valcea, 2023), "Twisted Mind" (Centrul Bastion Timisoara 2021). Preda is a graduate of the Faculty of Arts and Design, University of West Timișoara, member of UAP, former scholarship holder of the Royal Margareta Foundation of Romania and laureate of the "Griselini Master" award. In 2022, he received the gold medal at the Budapest International Photo Awards.

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Galerie de Artă Digitală