Raul Keller - Harmonic intervention

Harmonic intervention is a site-specific sound installation that uses large latex balloons filled with helium as a sound propagating and modulating device. Altogether 7 balloons are positioned in two adjoining rooms and their membranes have been tuned to their resonating frequencies with the help of small speakers that play recorded soundtrack composed of simple waveforms through a resonating rope into them. Each of the speakers add an additional sonic layer that emanates from the floor and bounce off the walls and the aforementioned large balloons. With these devices the author is tuning the space into a harmonic and possibly charismatic chamber where visitors can wander around and experience the different sonic aspects of the space.

The installation is part of Keller’s series of inflatable sound generating installations and of different physical objects explored to emanate location specific sonic material into surrounding space. In mem:interference in 2022 as part of the Unexpected Territories: David Tudor three balloons were juxtaposed with three parabolic reflectors that created a subtle intermodulated sound space, in Tranquil Beauty as part of his solo exhibition in ARS project space in Tallinn, four balloons created the lowest part of the sound spectrum while speakers in the corners of the room added a composed soundtrack. In the installation for Timisoara Keller will project additional sound from the small resonating speakers on the ground and tries to find a balance between direct and reflected sonic matter.


Estonian artist Raul Keller belongs to a new generation of Eastern European artists who bring together composition and performance, media and sound art in their own unique way. His works virtuously move in the most varied areas of contemporary art. They encompass site-specific sound installations, performance and free improvisation, radio art, photography and video art as well as experimental rock music. His art is almost always procedural.

Since the end of the 90s has been engaged in a multitude of contemporary art practices, focusing on site-specific sound installation, performance, improvisation, DIY culture, video-and radiophonic art. Sonic performances and radio art with LokaalRaadio (with Katrin Essenson, Hello Upan). Performances and recording as free impro noise duo Post Horn (with Hello Upan). Performed as Paul Cole with his group The Great Outdoors in burlesque americana rock genre. Founding member of MKDK, A Dynamic Collective of Music and

Arts. Founder of radio art festival Radiaator (with Katrin Essenson). Member of the Estonian Artist Union (EAA) and Estonian Electronic Music Society (EES).

A project developed by SIMULTAN.org, and is part of the National Cultural Program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" funded by Timișoara's Municipality through the Projects Center and the Center for Culture and Art of Timiș County fom public funds allocated by the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

Narative Sonore

Narative Sonore