Retracing Bartók Exhibition

A multimedia exhibition using new technologies as a medium to tell the story of Bartók's passion for Romanian folk music, his innovative audio recording methods, as well as how the recordings have been reimagined by the artists invited to the project from 2018 to the present. The exhibition will feature the premiere of photographs taken by Bela Bartok during his folklore collecting journeys, as well as the opportunity to listen to his music recorded on wax cylinders using the phonograph, as it was played more than 100 years ago.

Muzeul Etnografic din Budapesta
Arhivele Bartok din Budapesta
Asociaţia Pro Bartok
Casa de Cultură Sânnicolau Mare
Primăria Sânnicolau Mare

Retracing Bartók, designed as a multidisciplinary cultural archaeology project developed over several years since 2018, is part of the Timisoara 2023 European Capital of Culture programme and is funded by Timis County Council through the Tim Cultura 2023 programme.

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Retracing Bartók

Retracing Bartók