ROD to Corcova – Photography exhibition

Baptism at the "caldărari" with photos by Cosmin Bumbuț/ The Teleleu editorial staff, made up of photographer Cosmin Bumbuț and journalist Elena Stancu, documented on August 2, 2023 the baptism of the two little girls of Geo Stănescu, a "caldărar" from the village of Corcova, Mehedinți county - Maria, 6 years old, and Andreea, 3 years old. Several Roma families, settled in Belgium, returned to the country in August for the baptism of the two girls.

On 4 August, Teleleu and Documentor organised an exhibition in Geo's backyard for the ROD Festival. The 62 photos were exhibited in the tent where the christening took place and the exhibition was set up with the help of the children. Those who found themselves in the photos received them at the end of the exhibition.

Official partner Auchan.

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

Part of

ROD Festival 2023

ROD Festival 2023