Round table: Film Education in Eastern Europe - models and approaches

The Cultural Association Contrasens invites teachers and educators from Timișoara and Timiș County to a roundtable discussion focusing on models and approaches in cinema education. The aim of the roundtable is to share experiences and teaching strategies, to become familiar with the resources developed by the Cultural Association Contrasens over time, and to learn how to incorporate them into the educational plan. Good practice examples from Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, and Croatia will be presented to provide a global perspective on how film can be effectively integrated into the learning process.

Round table: Film Education in Eastern Europe - models and approaches is organized for The Symposium on Education through Film, which is part of the program of the Balkan Film and Culture Festival – TAIFAS.

CinEd- European cinema education for youth - Co-funded by The Creative Europe / Media programme of the European Commission

The project is part of the National Cultural Program 'Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023' and is funded through the European Echoes program, implemented by the Centre of Projects of Timișoara Municipality, with allocations from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Taifas I Festival de Film, Artă și Cultură Balcanică

Taifas I Festival de Film, Artă și Cultură …