The independent theater company BIS Teatru from Sibiu returns to Timișoara in November.

The Anotimpuri show (script and direction: Bogdan Sărătean) will be performed THREE times in the closing of the LETTERS FOR OUR GRANDPARENTS project, run by the Bis Association within the national cultural program Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023.

The THREE performances will take place at the MERLIN THEATER in Timișoara according to the following schedule:

Friday November 10, 2:00 p.m.;
Saturday 11 November, 12:00 and 17:00 (TWO performances on the same day).

We therefore invite you to an enchantment suitable for all spectators between the ages of 6 and 106.


It seems that the seasons have disappeared from our planet for some time.

Only the grandparents still tell how there were four seasons in their time.

But here is an 11-year-old child named Matei who discovered what scientists failed to do. The seasons were stolen and hidden in the cellar by a ruthless Ogre.

Or maybe it's not an Ogre, but a certain neighbor called Peacock. And maybe this neighbor isn't as much of an ogre as he seems, maybe he's just a lonely and sad man.

Matei decides to send a series of letters to the ogre in the neighborhood, with the idea of improving him and returning the seasons to people.

Bogdan Constantin
Claudiu Fălămas
Andrada Grosu
Diana Catanescu
Sabrina Barbulescu
Sonya Leia

scenography: Alexandra Budianu

script & direction: Bogdan Sărătean

With the extraordinary participation of seniors Eugenia Neagoe and Elisabeta Tamaș from the Home for the Elderly "Inocentiu M. Klein" and children from the Educational Center for School Integration and School Dropout Prevention within the organization Society for Children and Parents (SCOP)

ENTRY IS FREE for all children and seniors from the partner Centers, who were involved in the correspondence within the LETTERS FOR OUR GRANDPARENTS project.

The general public is invited to purchase tickets for the single price of 20 lei from Link here:

a BIS Theater performance
Event logistics: Bachir Banjak
Guest actor training: Andreea Todincă & Alexandru Romescu

The production is part of the "Letters for our grandparents" project, implemented by the BIS Cultural Association in Sibiu, in partnership with structures in Timișoara (Directorate of Social Assistance Timișoara, Water Museum, Diogene Cultural Association) and outside the country (Help Age International, branch Republic of Moldova).

The basis of the project is the idea of correspondence, through handwritten letters, between children from vulnerable social backgrounds and single elderly people from Timiș County and the Republic of Moldova. The script brings together fragments of their letters, and some of the children and grandparents involved in the project will be on stage, along with professional actors.

Proiectul face parte din Programul cultural național Timișoara – Capitală Europeană a Culturii în anul 2023 și este finanțat prin programul LoB2023+ derulat de Centrul de Cultură și Artă al Județului Timiș, cu sume alocate de la bugetul de stat, prin bugetul Ministerului Culturii

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Letters for our grandparents

Letters for our grandparents