Silvia Casolari and Davide Monopoli – Yambo’s Interplanetary Marriage – An Italian Sci-Fi Honey Moon

Discover the world of Enrico Novelli, better known as “Yambo,” a visionary who helped shape the future of Italian literary science fiction. As one of its founding figures, Yambo was not only a writer but also a master illustrator of adventure stories and numerous illustrated novels during the era of Italian “proto-science fiction.”

But Yambo’s influence didn’t stop at the written word. He was also a trailblazing director, creating A Marriage in the Moon, the very first Italian science fiction film. He also introduced Italy to its first science fiction comic strip, The Green Men.

Silvia Casolari and Davide Monopoli, co-founders and co-directors of MUFANT, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Museum of Turin, invite you on a wonderful journey back to the early 20th century, at the beginnings of a genre that continues to inspire and imagine new worlds today.

Find the complete Cozzzmonautica program here.

Part of

Aquatic Worlds, Dreams in the Desert

Aquatic Worlds, Dreams in the Desert