Stéphane Marin - « Hybrid aur(e)ality & (urban) phoNography »

During this workshop, Stéphane Marin will introduce you to his singular artistic approach to listening and phonography, focusing specifically, here, on urban environments. He will discuss how these two perspectives of experiencing the city can be mixed and "hybridized" through the use of open headphones, creating another auditory reality. You will have the opportunity to engage with Marin's ideas and set-ups, and experience them firsthand in situ in the workshop setting.

Only 6 available seats. Register here.


  • 10h - 11h30 : presentation(s): (artistic approach - dispositives / rituals - listenings)
  • 11h30 - 13h00 : listening exercises in situ + feedbacks


  • 15h - 17h30 : urban field recording explorations : conventional microphones in unconventional & unexpected uses / unconventional microphones to listen the unheard, flux, fluids of the city
  • 17h30 - 18h++ : feedbacks - Q/A
A project developed by, and is part of the National Cultural Program "Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023" funded by Timișoara's Municipality through the Projects Center and the Center for Culture and Art of Timiș County fom public funds allocated by the Ministry of Culture.

Part of

Narative Sonore

Narative Sonore