Symposium on education through film: teacher training | TAIFAS

The Balkan Film and Culture Festival - Taifas invites teachers and educators from Timișoara and the surrounding area to a free training facilitated by Isabelle Bourdon, pedagogical coordinator of CinEd and Cinema, Cent Ans de Jeunesse, and Daniel Simeonov, film director and teacher at Arte Urbana Collective (Sofia, Bulgaria).

The purpose of this training is to encourage teachers to use film as an educational resource in the classroom and to present useful methods and resources that can be adapted to different school programs. The primary tool we propose is the CinEd platform and film collection -

ISABELLE BOURDON is a consultant at the Department of Cinema and Audiovisual at the Académie de Créteil, Paris, and the pedagogical coordinator of the film education projects CinEd - Cinema Education for Youth and Cinema, Cent ans de Jeunesse. During the training, Isabelle will present the CinEd platform and the available film resources.

DANIEL SIMEONOV is a film director and an English and film teacher in Dermantsi, Bulgaria. Since 2017, he has been using film in the classroom to support students in developing technical knowledge and socio-emotional skills. Daniel will lead two practical workshops and showcase exercises he uses in the classroom.

*The training will be conducted in English and will be simultaneously translated into Romanian. 

Teachers can enroll by submiting the following form.

The Symposium on Education through Film and the teacher training are part of the program of the Balkan Film and Culture Festival – TAIFAS.

CinEd- European cinema education for youth - Co-funded by The Creative Europe / Media programme of the European Commission.

The project is part of the National Cultural Program 'Timișoara - European Capital of Culture in 2023' and is funded through the European Echoes program, implemented by the Centre of Projects of Timișoara Municipality, with allocations from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

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Taifas I Festival de Film, Artă și Cultură Balcanică

Taifas I Festival de Film, Artă și Cultură …