Taste as Heritage: Gastronomic Workshop with Radu Botineșteanu and Andra Tănăsuc

On Saturday, April 29, 2023, we invite you to a new gastronomic meeting focused on seasonal ingredients.

Our guests are two young individuals, Radu Botineșteanu and Andra Tănăsuc, who will present a vegan menu made from locally grown vegetables by ASAT gardeners.

The moderator of the meeting will be Tiberiu Cazacioc, Slow Food activist, blogger (Observatorul Gastronomic), quality scheme specialist.

The workshop is organized on the occasion of World Disco Soup Day, a flagship event of the international Slow Food movement that promotes the importance of reducing food waste. The workshop will be preceded by a debate on food waste and the preparation of a soup on music rhythms, made from rescued vegetables.

The event is organized within the LA PAS / Slowing down program, part of the Timișoara - European Capital of Culture 2023 program. Funded by Timișoara City through the Center for Projects.

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La Pas

La Pas