„The bear tricked by the fox”

We aim to offer children a summer full of the most mischievous characters, the little spectators being, from May to June, real travelers in the world of stories.

Our journey begins on May 30 at 2:00 PM, in a new space, just opened for those who want to enter the magical world of theatre: Hall C7, Boulevard 16 December 1989 no. 43 (in the yard): where a bear and a fox await us. But not just any bear and any f,ox, but precisely the ones told to us 144 years ago by our greatest and most beloved storyteller, Ion Creangă. On this occasion, we can find out if the two characters have changed in the meantime, if the bear is still lazy, greedy, and gluttonous, and if the fox has lost any of its cunning or, on the contrary, has sharpened it. Do they know how to sing? Do they know how to dance? Do they get along in the end? Hmm... We will surely find the answers from the puppets embodying these two tricky characters, puppets eagerly awaiting the little ones for a (how else?) story meeting.

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Călători în lumea poveștilor

Călători în lumea poveștilor