The Solitude Monologues | TESZT 2024

A "collection of solitudes" that, like a concave lens, exposes, through beams of life, an acute global phenomenon. Created in the Arte-Factum Theatrical Research and Introspection Laboratory led by Levente Kocsárdi, the performance was equally inspired by immediate reality, by real cases, statistical data, from the stories of the city and from the universe of writers like Ken Kesey, Franz Kafka, Michel Houellebecq, Joseph Heller and the filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder.

"Loneliness is a serious collective disease, which leads to the death of millions of people every year. The  syndrome of loneliness comes with the feeling that you have lost something essential: belonging to the community. Loneliness, experts say, inhibits the brain's ability to feel empathy. How to bring people together in a world of dissipation? In the infernal noise of commercial offers, how to hear the suffocating silence of solitude? How do we restart the reflex to care about the Other? The monologues which created this puzzle of loneliness reflect both our privacy, our city, and the global image of the phenomenon. The monologues of solitude compose, in essence, a dystopia of a Robinson Crusoe on an urban island." (Levente Kocsárdi, director)


Author of the text: Mona Donici

Directed by: Levente  Kocsárdi

Cast: Fall Ilona, Darie Doklean, Andrei Elek, Maria Leca, Aida Olaru, Teo Cauș, Ana Andone, Serena Voaideș

The creative team: Mona Donici (dramaturgy), Anca Stoica (choreography),  M.C.Donici (set design), Amy Bujancă (costumes, set design assistant), Sebastian Hamburger (video mapping), Zoltán Gidó (light design), Sebastian Bayer (sound design), Lilian Lupanciuc (graphic design).

Teatrul Cetății is a project of The Culture and Arts Centre of Timis County, in partnership with the Independent Company Arte-Factum, co-financed by the Timiș County Council. Sponsor: Beta Optic

English version: Carmen Tǎrniceru

Hungarian version: Ferenc André


Trigger warning: nudity

Running time: 111 min (no intermission)

Performed in Romanian, with English and Hungarian translation

Part of

TESZT 2024

TESZT 2024