Theater is a man – monodrama competition

If you are a theater lover and you want to support future talents of the stage, we are waiting for you at the presentation of the winners of the monodrama competition Theater is a Person!

The three winning monodramas of the Theater is a Person competition will be presented to the public and special guests on August 16, 17 and 18 during the City Celebration event.

The best proposals have been chosen by a jury of renowned theater creators from the country and abroad - Dinulescu Radu (director), Costa Tovarnisky (actor, director and assistant professor at FMT - UVT) and Rolando Macrini (director from Italy). The young winners benefited from the artistic guidance of Radu Dinulescu and the support of the organizers and partners: C4Company Association and Senzorial Theater.

The competition is an innovative cultural initiative, dedicated to supporting and promoting young theater artists, representing an ideal space for development and creative expression. 

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Teatrul e un om- concurs de monodrame