Time of the wolves | Adrian Mokanu

”Time of the wolves” is a musical, electroacoustical, immersive installation. It’s sound texture is created by juxtaposing real recordings with electronic, synthetical sounds. 

The proposal is inspired by the personal experience of the ukrainian artist Adrian Mokanu who, being located in Kiev on the morning of the 24th February when Russia invaded Ukraine, mistook the air raid alarms for the howling of the wolves. 
Through the installation, the author invites the participants to transpose themselves into the soundscape of the reality that the inhabitants of Ukraine are living in for already more than a year, in the midst of war - a reality that is majestic and profound on one hand, and sinister and threatening on the other hand. 

The opening of the installation will take place on 1 September, h 18:00, and the installation can be visited daily until 15 September 2023, between 13:00-19:00, together with the „Diary” installation, by Olha Yeriemieieva.

About the author: Adrian Mokanu is an ukrainian composer, interested in exploring the limits of the possible, in discovering combinations of multiple senses and contact points between music and noise. He graduated from the National Academy of Music in Ukraine with a Master’s degree in Musical composition in 20219 and starting 2020, he is following the Master’s degree in Electroacoustical composition in Centro Superior de Enseñanza Musical Katarina Gurska (Madrid, Spain). His compositions have been awarded in international competitions in France, Austria, Portugal and Spain and have been played at numerous music festivals in Europe and America.

Organizer: Prin Banat

This event is presented within the framework of Moving Fireplaces Festival 2023.

Partners: Gărâna Jazz Fest, The Community of Romanians in Serbia, The Revolution Memorial Association, Center for Projects Timișoara 

The Moving Fireplaces Festival 2023 is a component of the cultural project Cămine în mișcare - Moving Fireplaces - part of the National cultural programme „Timișoara - European Capital of Culture 2023” (Timișoara 2023), funded by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Center for Projects. 

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Moving Fireplaces

Moving Fireplaces