Urban Sittings | Better Together II - A #RefugeesWelcome community

6 urban gatherings will be moderated by 2 local artists - Regina Damian and Elena Busuioc, in private and public spaces in the Fabric, Iosefin, Complexul Studențesc and Soarelui neighbourhoods from Timișoara, attended by  refugees from Ukraine and other countries as well as locals of all ages. The urban gatherings will create direct interaction using art and storytelling workshops, adapted to seniors and people with disabilities, as an engine for individual growth, development, community engagement and intercultural dialogue. The resulting works will be exhibited to mark one year since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, on February 24, in the "Four Seasons of Resistance" exhibition in the Central Park of Timișoara.

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Better Together II - O comunitate #AproapeDeRefugiati

Better Together II - O comunitate #AproapeDeRefugiati