Vulnus – The quality of being easily hurt | DINAM, 4th edition

Filip and Beatrice explore the winding dynamics of a relationship constantly on a rollercoaster: their friendship. Choreographers, performers, colleagues, lovers of reality and dance, here and now, and practitioners of (almost) unfiltered humor, the two navigate vulnerably toward each other, through stereotypes and prejudices, in a society increasingly intolerant of insecurity, discomfort, and opinions. Joking aside, what do you think about identifying with a fruit gender?

Artistic Team: 

Concept, performance, text, and choreography: Beatrice Tudor & Filip Stoica
Sound Design and projection: Filip Stoica
Light Design: Andrei Chifu & Otniel Floruț
Producer: Unfold Motion

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition is a project aimed at strengthening and making contemporary dance more accessible as a relevant form of artistic expression, along with its related events, within the cultural landscape of the city of Timișoara. 

Co-financiers: FITT, Iulius Town, French Institute Timișoara

Partners: Basca Theater, West City Radio, Cărturești,

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DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition

DINAM Contemporary Dance Season - 4th edition