What Is in the Cloud?

The concept was developed together by the students of Scenography from the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest and students of the Set Design Department of the Kaposvár University’s Rippl-Rónai Arts Faculty, also involving students from MOME Intermedia programme.

Imagination is at the core of the main curatorial concept, which represents the beginning of the creative process, the moment when defining ideas and thoughts are born. The exhibition presents this work of imagination and the journey which is in symbiosis with it. The cloud shows imagination as an involuntary process. Our thoughts, just like a cloud, can dissipate, change shape or morph into something different in a glimpse of the eye. 

The basis of the exhibit is a platform divided into boxes, covered by a clear plexiglass floor. The boxes form a spiralling track towards the centre of the installation. Each box is the personal territory of an individual student in which they can place the documents and objects representing this inner journey of the creative process: sketchbooks, plans, material samples, models, special objects, video materials, all hidden like archeological finds. The boxes also represent a track visitors can follow to experience the steps of the artistic process. In the circular centre the shining shape of the base platform and the strong lights beaming from above symbolise enlightenment, the end of dreams, the birth of the final design. Here in the centre, the visitor of the exhibition can glimpse into a periscope to get an overview from above of the landscape.

The meaning of the cloud is further enriched by the unique QR codes featured on each of the boxes, while also reflecting of the contemporary means of data storage and communication systems. Accessing the weblinks through these QR codes visitors will reach the personal websites of each student, where they can browse through the works of the given student. This is how the initial inspirations, drafts, imaginations become a finished work in the virtual “cloud” (iCloud).

Main Curator: Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute of the Petőfi Literary Museum.

Opening: Monday, May 22, 6:30 p.m.

Visiting schedule: during TESZT

This project is part of the national cultural programme "Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in the year 2023" and is funded by the City of Timișoara, through the Center for Projects.

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